Flow Mindset Coaching for 


Hypnotherapy to stop vaping

Escape the vape

Recalibrate or resolve your relationship with
. In-person on Sydney's Northern Beaches or online from wherever works best for you.
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Overcome issues with


with a Flow Mindset.

Vaping is a rapidly growing and dangerous addiction in society today, especially amongst school children and young adults.

In a society that has witnessed a rapid growth in vaping, it's crucial to address the negative impact this trend has on our mental health and general well-being. This holds especially true for teenagers and school children, who are particularly vulnerable to the harmful effects of vaping. However, there is a solution that offers hope...

With the guidance of experienced remedial hypnotist Tom Hutton, you — or someone you are close to — can break free from the embrace of vaping and regain control of your life. Let's explore the transformative power of hypnotherapy and how it can help you overcome addictive habits for once and for all.

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How are you going today?

If things aren't OK, that's OK. My name's Tom and, as a Rapid Results Coach, I am here to help you realise your goals by developing your Flow Mindset. We'll usually get things started with a fee-free chat where we can get to know each other and whether we think we're a good fit!

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What to expect

During a program of eights sessions (often delivered once a week for eight weeks, but sometimes more and sometimes less) I'll help you to become your own best mindset coach by reprogra your thinking that may be driving this pattern.

These include dialogue, writing, drawing, storytelling, mindset mentoring and guided meditation. Many of these techniques have been used in healing for thousands of years. Today they’re also used to create behavioural change and promote mental wellbeing in business, coaching, counselling, education, health & fitness, personal growth, professional development, relationships, sport and more.

We will also look at your holistic health and wellbeing and the impact of things like diet, sleep, movement, nature and relationships on your ability to process the world around you and your place in it.


Recognise & Recalibrate

We identify what needs to change, why and look at things from a different perspective.


Reprogram & Resolve

We actually change how you process and respond to what's going on around and within you.


Reinforce & Repeat

Building on new patterns of behaviour we give you the tools to manage things on your own.

How we work together

Principles of practice

Before you choose to work with me, it's important that you read, understand and agree with these simple principles of practice:


What's said between us stays between us

It's important that you understand that anything can be said, everything is heard and nothing is judged.

Everything we discuss is confidential, unless I believe that someone may be in danger or if we agree that someone else needs to be involved.


We are here to change your future, not your past

This is not about spending hours trying to make sense of your past (that's been and gone and exists only as a memory, and probably an inaccurate one!). This is about creating the future you want. We combine previous experiences with realistic future goals to highlight how you can overcome challenges, make better decisions and utilise your resources to create change, fast.


We work together

I do not magically 'fix' you or give you the answers — all that's going to come from you! I simply guide you through a highly personalised process, tailored to your specific needs, that requires your honesty, commitment, input and action.


Go All in

The more you put in, the more you get out of this process. It feeds on your input and involvement. If you hold back we won;t get to the root of what is holding you back from living the life you want to live.


'Feeling' better by 'doing' better

I am not here to help you 'feel' better. I am here to help you 'do' better (and by taking action you will be able to make yourself feel better)! Sometimes the process can bring up things that you find confronting. But this is part of the process, as only by identifying them can we truly target them.


Working on what you need right now

Everyone is different, has different needs and thinks differently from one day to the next, so we take an adaptable approach with wriggle room for the unexpected! There may be tears, there is usually laughter and lots of other emotions in between.


Determining what is real rather than imagined

We will establish what your true challenges are, their triggers and the impact on your life. Your processing, filtering and response patterns will be challenged and assessed.


Creating change that lasts

We embed the courage, resources and power that enable you to continue to make choices that create long-lasting change, disrupt negative thinking and make decisions with confidence.


Doing it all with direction, confidence and positivity

We establish what’s important to you — your sense of purpose or your ‘north star’ — and this becomes the platform from which you can process thoughts, filter feelings, amplify your strengths, add value and respond to the world around you in a new and positive way.

What's going on?

Did you know that many of the negative patterns of thinking we run are buried deeply in the subconscious? This 'auto-pilot' part of our mind accounts for over 95% of our thinking and, from the moment we are born, it's shaped by our upbringing, relationships, environmental dynamics, cultural conditioning and our primal instincts.

Over time, these patterns and pathways become 'hardwired' in the brain, which makes it very hard to change the way we think, behave or live our lives... even when we know what we need to change and why.

So if you're making poor choices or feeling overwhelmed, anxious, stressed, disconnected, out of control or simply stuck in a rut, it's probably something deeply embedded in the archive of your memory, someplace beyond the reach of your conscious mind and rational decision making. reprogram your negative subconscious beliefs and habits so you can be a healthier happier you.

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How Flow Mindset coaching helps you to change your relationship with


Understanding Hypnotherapy: The Pathway to Freedom

Hypnotherapy is a therapeutic technique that harnesses the power of hypnosis to promote positive behavioral changes. Through a deeply relaxed state, individuals become more receptive to suggestions, enabling them to rewire their subconscious mind and break free from addiction. Tom Hutton, a seasoned hypnotherapy expert, has developed a specialized program that specifically targets vaping addiction and its associated challenges.

Treating Vaping Addiction: How Does Hypnotherapy Work?

Hypnotherapy adopts a multi-faceted approach to help individuals overcome vaping addiction. By working directly with the subconscious mind, Tom Hutton guides individuals to introspect and identify the underlying causes of their addiction. By replacing negative thought patterns and behaviors with positive ones, hypnotherapy empowers individuals to make healthier choices and permanently eliminate the grip of vaping.

The Advantages of Hypnotherapy over Traditional Therapies when treating addiction to vaping

When it comes to combating addiction, hypnotherapy offers several unique advantages compared to traditional therapy and medication.


Unlike invasive procedures or treatments laden with side effects, hypnotherapy is a safe and gentle approach to heal the mind and body. It works at the root of your addiction, helping you combat vaping cravings naturally.


Unlike medications that may have their own set of complications and potential dependencies, hypnotherapy is completely drug-free. You won't need to rely on any substances to find freedom from vaping.

Holistic Approach:

Hypnotherapy goes beyond just treating the symptoms of addiction. It addresses the underlying emotional, psychological, and behavioral aspects, empowering you to break free from the vicious cycle of vaping.

Dispelling Misconceptions: Is Hypnotherapy Safe and Effective?

It's natural to have concerns and misconceptions about hypnotherapy. However, it's essential to clarify the truth - hypnotherapy is a safe and effective treatment option. Under the expert guidance of Tom Hutton, a professional remedial hypnotist with years of experience, you can rest assured that you are in capable hands. Hypnotherapy is backed by scientific research and has helped numerous individuals overcome their addiction to vaping and achieve long-lasting positive change.

Take the First Step: Book Your Session Today!

Don't let vaping continue to erode your mental health and well-being. Take action now and book a session with Tom Hutton, the hypnotherapy expert at HeadlandHypnosis.com.au. With his expertise and proven techniques, you can break free from the chains of vaping addiction and pave the way to a healthier and more fulfilling life. Embrace the power of hypnotherapy and transform your life today.

"Tom understands what makes people tick and how to manage and motivate a team."

Neil Heymann • Global Chief Creative Officer @ Accenture Song

I feel ten feet tall and I'm normally 5'7 so I'm feeling great!

New Dad & Small Business Owner
Lower North Shore, Sydney

My teenage son is a different person! After the first session I immediately noticed an improvement in his ability to control his feelings and manage his anger.

Father of Three
Northern Beaches, Sydney

After each session I see things a lot brighter. I really do see things differently. Even things like colours are more vibrant.

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